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Fun Facts

1. Betta Refers to 70 Fish Species

When most audiences think of betta fishes, they’re thinking of the common betta names. This includes the: betta splendens, or Siamese fighting fish. But, the following word betta actually refers to dozens of different fish species.

2. Bettas are Territorial and Aggressive

For this main reason, that’s why they’re called as the Siamese fighting fish. Mostly male bettas are territorial and will attack other male bettas (this isn’t always “to the death,” as commonly believed, although it can cause serious injuries and such). But, female betta fishes can live together while the males may be able to live with any other (compatible)fish species.

3. Bettas are Omnivores

While in nature, bettas eat insects (such as crickets, flies, grasshoppers, etc.) and insect larvae, typically harvested from thewater surface, along with algae. They may also eat other foods such as bloodworms(can also be freeze-dried), or shrimp.

4. Bettas Have Different Tail Shapes

A wide variety of shapes and also colors. Partially, that’s what makes bettas so fascinating to look at. The tale shapes alone include comb, crown, delta, double feather, halfmoon, halfsun, plakat, rose, round, spade, veil, and more.

5. In the Wild, Bettas are Usually Green/Dull Brown

“There is no way! I saw Bettas with vibrant colors!”

Well, they appear like that thanks to selective breeding. Wild Bettas are either two colors. A dull brown or a green hue. Also, their fins are smaller and much more understated.

6. Males and Females? Easy to Identify Them!

Normally, male bettas are larger than females and they own brighter colors and more ornate fins. Most pet bettas are therefore male.

7. Bettas Breathe air and CAN Shortly Survive Without any Water

Bettas have a labyrinth organ, which allows them to breathe air from the surface. This allows them to survive in waters with low-oxygen content. Such as shallow rice paddies, stagnant ponds, or even polluted waters.

As long as they’re moist, Bettas can survive outside of water. Since betta fishes sometimes live in water with usual low oxygen levels, this doesn’t specifically mean that they prefer it either… and it also doesn’t mean bettas should be kept in tight areas such as flower vases. The concept of a betta occupying such a space like that is not a healthy or a humane way to house them.

8. Bettas Build Bubbles Nests

Male bettas build bubble nests. Once the female releases her eggs (which is during a courtship ritual), the male collects them with his mouth and “spits” them into the nest. But, remember. Your betta can build a bubble nest even  without a mate.

9. Male Bettas Guard Their Offspring

Male bettas not only build the nest, but they also watch over their eggs until they hatch. The female doesn’t join in on the guarding. Instead, they get chased away by the male.

10. Bettas are Intelligent

Betta fishes can get the hang of recognizing their owners and do cool tricks, such as trailing after the tip of your finger around the bowl, swimming through circular hoops, or by simply pushing a ball into a goal.

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